Wierd thought...

I got a wierd thought after i felt lonely when my friend left to visit his father... we need others to share our experiences, feelings... and somewhere i read a perfect partner is one who can understand the differences between them and not similar thinking person... so whats this idea all about..?

There came an incredible thought as everyone says... that at the point of creation of universe there is only energy..which got divided into matter and antimatter... imagine in a way "Nature loves symmetry".. which means a lot... may be symmetry about a line, point etc..

I kept thinking and i felt nature is symmetric around point...

positron - electron
light - dark
truth - lie
positive - negative

if we go on..

matter - anti matter

and i think there might be even

positive energy - negative energy
gravity - anti gravity
positive density - negative density
positive time - negative time

call me crazy, but i think there is a lot to discover...


  1. Not to mention the fact that an opposite to this material existence of duality, pain and suffering (also) MUST exist in a different dimension. The holy books point to it as if it were a few steps away! I believe it! Just maybe, there is a Super-City of nothing but "living lamps" opposite to the simulated, artificial lighting we humans have manufactured...


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