
Save the hunger
To taste the freedom
Of flying high
Reaching for the skies.


Break the silence
With a sound that
Melts hearts
Into one.


Sing for the beauty
That we see
Sing for the beauty
Yet to be seen


Learn to love
The love that loves you
For the love
Is what surrounds our world


Fly into the tunes
Of beauty of the world,
Mingle into the lyrics
Of people of the world,
Let your heart melt
Into the heart of the world.


Let the winds push you back,
Let the tides drown you down,
Let the rain wash you away,
For the fight without fight
Is nothing more than none.

Be the water that moves
Around the obstacles,
Be the air that flies
Above the obstacles,
More than these
Be the fire that burns down
The obstacles.


Stand up against those
Big things that come between
Each and every small thing
That matter to you.


Let the pearl sprout that
Grows stronger every second.
Feel the brightness that
Evolves and free you.
